A Sermon for the Locust Grove United Church of Christ of York, PA
by Rev. James Eaton, Interim Pastor
Third Sunday in Advent • December 15, 2024
Luke 3:7-18
This week winter came roaring into our area and whatever fantastic, private hopes we had that the weather would stay mild vanished with a blast of arctic wind. Isn’t it often the same in life? We roll along through the pleasant seasons until we are surprised by the onset of a winter of bleakness. The world goes cold; everything is difficult. When the cold is a matter of weather, we get out hats and gloves and heavy coat; when the cold is inside, when souls turn gray, we look for something to light the fire again. Last week we heard the story of John the Baptist’s message of repentance. Today we hear the specifics and this strange final note: “…he proclaimed the good news to the people.” [Luke 3:18]. Is John’s message good news? Is it joyful news?
Luke is writing about people 80 years before, when Jesus was born, but he is writing for people near the end of the first century, people shivering in a spiritual winter, wondering how to find the way forward, perplexed about their purpose. The great shining promise that animated the very first Christians, that Jesus would return before they died, any day, any hour, had worn off in time passed and in the passing of the first generation. How to live in the meantime?—that is the great question they face. How to live in the meantime?—how to put into practice every day the teachings of Jesus? They live in a time of change, a time when many are being persecuted for their faith, many are in conflict with family members. Old institutions are collapsing; new ones are strange. In that sense, it is not so different from now.
John the Baptist: See Him
So Luke has reached into the great tradition of stories in the church and lifted up this story about John the Baptist and the beginning of Jesus ministry. There is John, Luke tells us: see him?–a wild, strange figure on the banks of the Jordan, the river Israel had to cross to come into the promised land. He looks and smells like the desert: camel hair garments, wild honey and roast locusts for food. He preaches repentance as the right response to the time: spiritual change that leads to behavioral change, doing new things as a way to experience a new spirit.
It’s not a general message. He gets specific in a way preachers are always reluctant to do. Details always get you in trouble. “Whoever has two coats must share with anyone who has none.” Wow. Ouch. The thing is, I have more than two coats, I have coats for different purposes. I have blue blazers, the uniform of small town business and professional guys; I have a black leather jacket that lets me look cool and stay warm in the spring and fall. I have a blue down winter coat and a heavier beige one. Three suit coats, a couple of jackets. It’s no wonder a lot of preachers stick to pointing their fingers at people who do things they don’t; here I am having to deal not with your sins but with me. Ouch. “Whoever has food must do likewise.” Well, there, that’s a little easier, we give to food pantries. I can manage that one, I think. Could we just slide by the coats? Tax collectors in the period were famous for extracting outrageous interest; soldiers often demanded protection money. “What should we do?”, they ask. John tells them not to collect exorbitant fees and tells the soldiers not to demand protection money. That must have hurt, they depend on that money. I’d much rather talk about how they should behave better than about the coats. I don’t take bribes like the tax collectors; I certainly don’t get protection money. Thank God he didn’t mention wedding fees. What John seems to have in mind is devoting the details of life to God, letting God use the details to change us.
The Story of a Coat
So let me tell you the story of one of my coats. Jacquelyn and I were pretty newly married, and she was starting the long, long process of making me more presentable. I had a faded red jacket I loved; it had an under coat that made it warm, and it had endless pockets. I don’t know how women live without pockets; I can’t get enough of them. So Jacquelyn got me a new coat. It was blue and gold, had a down lining, came down to mid-thigh, and it had some pockets though not as many as the red coat. Plus, there was a problem. You see, where I come from in Michigan, there are two tribes: the University of Michigan and Michigan State University. MSU is where I went to college and our colors are green and white. No one from MSU would ever wear blue and gold because those are the University of Michigan colors. But here was this new wife and this new coat, and even if it was blue and gold, what could I do? I wore it.
I never quite got over the embarrassment of the colors, but I liked being warm. And that coat just lasted and lasted. Eventually the zipper pull broke off and I had to use a paper clip. Every spring it would go away; every winter it would come out. One day, a slim woman showed up at our church with nothing but a suitcase. It was snowing outside and freezing, and she had no coat. We ended up taking her home; turned out she was a refugee from Eritrea who had been bought as a wife and escaped her husband. Jacquelyn gave her a coat and some other things, and it dawned on her that there were others who were shivering. So she put a basket in the church basement and asked people to give coats for those who didn’t have any. By then the blue and gold coat had been around long enough to be a candidate for this, but I really didn’t want to give it up. This new mission hadn’t gone through the Deacons, so there was some grumbling about it; I felt like I should set an example. So one day I made a more permanent fix to the zipper and put it in the basket. Others added their coats; we took them to a place that helped refugees. There weren’t many the first year, but the next year there were more. The year we left that church, the coats had become a tradition; over a hundred were donated that year. I’ve been gone from there four years and they’re still collecting coats. People are still getting warm because of what those people do. Sometimes I smile and think somewhere, someone is still keeping warm in that blue and gold coat. I’ve had lots of coats; that’s the only one we ever talk about. That one turned out to be a real joy.
Will giving a coat away or passing out food save the world? Of course not. But then, John says, we’re not expected to save the world. The people who heard him wondered about world saving too: “…all were questioning in their hearts concerning John, whether he might be the Messiah…” That’s not my job, John replies; God is sending someone much more powerful to do that, and so he did, and so he does, and so he will. What’s the point of all this food and coat distribution then? It is to give us a path, a way to change ourselves so that we look more like Christ.
The True Appearance of Christ
For the true appearance of Christ isn’t that long haired, blue-eyed picture hung on the walls of so many Sunday Schools; the true appearance of Christ is the joyful gift giver, hope giver, peace bringer who will shortly appear right there at the Jordan among these people who are busy changing their direction. Just as we reshape our bodies by going to the gym, we reshape our spirits when we change our lives this way. And when we do, we discover the fierce joy of walking God’s path.
Walking God’s path isn’t abiding by some general rules, really. It’s always particular. It’s always some act in some moment. The Roman Catholic Church has a saint who was a Mohawk Native American and converted to Christianity. Her name was Kateri. She had smallpox as a child and it left her blind so she got renamed Takewitha: person who bumps into things. So she called Saint Kateri Takewitha. I love that image because it’s just how we run into God: we bump into God without intending to. John said, “Repent”, but the repentance was particular, individual. This week, sometime, somewhere, you’re going to bump into something where you can choose to act out your part as the body of Christ. It may to be comfortable, it may not be what you normally do, but there it will be: you’re chance in some particular moment, to be kinder, to give more, to live out your faith. When you do, if you do, there will be a little more light in the world, a Christmas light, a joyful light.
Christmas Joy
There is joy waiting for Christmas; there is joy shining in the Christmas lights. It is the joy of making God’s purpose our own; of living from God’s giving nature, on the way with Jesus. When we make our direction God’s way, when we determine to turn our eyes from the advertising to the star, we will see for ourselves God’s joy. When we follow that star, we’ll feel that joy.
The music on the audio track is “Christmas Is Coming”, Licensed as CC BY 4.0 Deed Attribution 4.0 International
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